Appendix 2

Notes to support proposal.

Australia has never suffered more devastating decisions than the disproportionate “public health” policies of 2020, 2021 and 2022. These decisions continued endemic incompetence and corruption in our political system.

Fundamental freedoms have been wiped out, small businesses have been destroyed, and the State’s extensions now permeate every element of our society and every moment of our lives. Yet, at the same time, valid scientific data and compelling evidence were ignored by a political establishment behaving more like those in an unaccountable Marxist dictatorship.

It is time for Australia’s people to stand up and say

“Enough is Enough”

The MAGA Movement is designed from the ground up to represent the people.

We need to restore Australia’s political system to a representative democracy, where candidates commit to serving the people who elect them and not a Party.

The MAGA Movement is committed to supporting an alliance of new Independent MPs and Candidates at all tiers of Government in Australia, people dedicated to listening to and representing the people first and who offer robust policy solutions to help the people prosper. Regardless of any party they may be a member of.


The MAGA Movement cares about Australia and Australia’s people, the cities, towns, small businesses, local communities, and volunteers who are always put way below by Liberals/Nationals and Labor/Greens.

The MAGA Movement want representatives who care about the people and understand their needs. That is why our push for representative democracy focuses on hearing and understanding the people’s voice above anything else.


Our country must confront and deal with the fact that our nation is broken and needs to unify its people. Unfortunately, there is still significant and systemic oppression of our First Nation people, and we must find a pathway forward that heals and unites us all permanently.


The MAGA Movement cares about our children and their future, including their access to proper education, not education that programmes them to agree with the government narrative, but rather education that unleashes the potential of the individual child and enables them to become thinkers who question and are prepared to find solutions to make us collectively a stronger people and a stronger nation.

We care about funding alternative learning systems, including recognising the increased demand for homeschooling.

We need to find out why 50% of our children suffer from chronic illnesses.


We must ensure our primary producers have sufficient affordable supply to critical inputs—water, fuel, finance, and logistics- ensuring viability. Farmers in the Riverina tell us that their annual production has reduced from $20 billion to $2 billion annually due to a shortage of critical inputs. We must drought-proof our nation with critical areas identified for feed stockpiles during the tough times.

Food security is an essential priority for all Australians. Water security and the reversal of its commodification are critical for our farmers and national security.


It’s time to understand how we can manage our environment and our climate so it will be naturally protected. Community and household food plots and solving baseload energy supplies are critical to protecting our environment and climate. These are areas we can act on now.

If we stop all CO2 production in Australia Tomorrow, the ongoing Alarmist Climate Fear Campaign will not stop, as Australia only directly contributes around 1% of the world’s total carbon output. Nothing we do will change anything Globally.

We must review the model that Liberals and Labor have used to spend billions of dollars of taxpayer funds. These models have never been subsequently challenged or reviewed over time.


The MAGA Movement cares about small and medium businesses that are the lifeblood of our economy.

Large corporations would have no role without small and medium companies. We care that the nature of small and medium businesses is to grow, expand and innovate. 

We know the actions of Morrison and Albanese have devastated and destroyed small family companies.

Yet, the rhetoric from the Government is about how good they have been at navigating the economic crisis, which every business owner knows we never needed to endure.


We need a new approach to ageing in our nation. People who have worked hard and always paid their taxes are now struggling. The system seems designed to leave them financially devastated and dependent on others. We need to pay more attention to their needs so families can be at peace about the welfare of those ageing in their families.

This means we need a system, taxation and care reforms that make this a non-stressful time for people who have worked hard.

Unfortunately, no one is persuaded that the Royal Commission into Aged Care has had any meaningful impact.


Our nation is in peril on multiple fronts, and no one talks about it. Domestically, our water, food and fuel supplies have been compromised. We need to be committed as a nation to being able to defend ourselves; to do this, we need to rebuild our manufacturing and production capacity. Key priorities need to be set to rebuild the security and protection of our nation.

We must first reject engaging in conflict without question and seek to build empathy in trouble spots worldwide; we must strive to bring peace and remain neutral until there is compelling evidence to intervene in sovereign countries in any form.


We need to ensure affordable housing across our nation. Government intervention must not trigger unintended consequences for our home buyers. Under Liberal and Labor, we have only seen housing affordability decline. We must review what has happened and identify better and innovative ways to ensure families can afford a home.


It’s time we began to question our health system, not the commitment of the people who work within it, but rather policymakers and regulators who have allowed corporate agendas to override logical and critical thought.

We must have a public health system that is accessible to all. We must have a system that progressively focuses on preventative health strategies rather than treating declining health in our country.

We must never again endure the loss of medical freedoms and choices in our nation. We must never see coercive government policy force the people of Australia to do something against their will.

WE MUST REJECT and FIGHT the proposed World Health Organization’s Pandemic Preparedness Treaty.


The resources of Australia belong to all Australians. Not just a few. We must add value to our resources and ensure that the Australian people benefit, not just a few billionaires.

We must invest in significant infrastructure projects to unlock the nation’s wealth.


Transparency – by the Government for the people it serves

Trust – Rebuilding trust in the Government and the people of Australia

Courage – The courage to do what is right for the People of Australia

Freedom – Fight for every person’s freedom and freedom of choice without fear of coercion, interference, retaliation or retribution from the Government, person or entity.


The primacy of human rights – Protection from unnecessary government surveillance, freedom of speech, freedom of movement, freedom of religion, freedom of choice, and bodily autonomy.

Greater transparency of Government, especially as it relates to the private lives of citizens and the public institutions that serve them.

The primacy of family and parental choice and beliefs in determining the welfare of their children without fear of Government interference.

Commitment to the health and wellbeing of all children, including sustainable policies to ensure their future.

The MAGA Movement opposes precepts that undermine individual responsibility and character development or fail to contextualise historical events, thus creating divisions and undermining social progress.

The MAGA Movement aims to rid Australia of top-down governments.

The MAGA Movement is committed to a representative democracy where our elected members serve the people, not their Party.

The MAGA Movement is committed to supporting the people of Australia in their pursuit of happiness as they deem fit in their natural liberty as sovereign citizens.

The MAGA Movement is committed to the unity of the people of Australia.

The MAGA Movement affirms its unrelenting commitment to human values that have stood the test of time, such as honesty, courage, fortitude, dignity and honour.

The MAGA Movement believes that an Australia that unifies the people always acts in their best interest, maximising the potential of our nation.

Why is The MAGA Movement Needed?

The MAGA Movement is needed because Australia has been led down the wrong path by the major coalitions of Labor/Greens, Liberal/Nationals and in the last term of Government, also the Teals and their external partners, who have devastated and divided our nation.

The coalitions of Labor/Greens and Liberal/Nationals have become totalitarian organisations. Their MPs are a self-serving apparatchik, not interested in listening to their constituents. They spruik what their bosses (funded by corporate and international interests) tell them.